SDGs Initiatives


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed at the UN Summit set forth 17 goals to change the world for the better by 2030.
Honda Techno Fort will take on the challenge of achieving the SDGs, which the world has set as goals,
while contributing to solving social issues toward the sustainable development of society and companies.

What are the 17 Goals SDGs for Changing the World?
SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs were agreed upon at the UN Summit in September 2015 with the participation of over 150 heads of member states, with the aim of realizing “a world where no one is left behind. Toward 2030, the year set as the goal, there are 17 targets, including "End Poverty" and "Zero Hunger," and 169 targets that serve as a breakdown of each goal.

Corporate Activities

Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

Honda Techno Fort is aware that we are with the development of our customers and society, and we will fulfill our corporate social responsibility to become "be a company society wants to exist”

  • 8.Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 12.Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 16.Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Corporate Governance Initiatives

To earn the trust of our customers and society and achieve sustainable growth, In addition to complying with laws and regulations, we have established and are implementing a code of conduct to ensure that each and every employee acts with integrity and ethics.

Quality Initiatives

As a company engaged in research and development, we have established a quality management system and are committed to continuous improvement activities so that we can provide high quality products with excellent safety, environmental friendliness, and performance to our customers around the world.

Human Resource Development Initiatives

We are developing a wide range of human resources, both internally and externally, who are capable of identifying problems and realizing issues necessary to survive in the VUCA era.

  • 4.Quality Education
  • 5.Gender Equality
  • 9.Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Training for Employees

We provide training and self-development support tailored to individual abilities and skills so that our employees can continue to play a leading role in corporate and social development through the realization of issues.

  • Various types of skill improvement training (by job level, individual skill improvement, etc.)
  • Self-development support at the initiative of employees

Education for the Children of the Next Generation

As part of our educational activities for children who will lead the next generation, we offer a variety of support activities tailored to their ages.
For university students: Consultation sessions to relieve anxiety about job selection and job-hunting activities.
For female junior and senior high school students: Participation in social gatherings, classes, and experiment classes to help them choose science-related careers.
For elementary school students: organizing events to experience ideas that lead to manufacturing and other creative activities.

Workforce Diversity

We are developing systems and initiatives to ensure that all people, regardless of gender, including women, men, people with disabilities, and the elderly, are able to work in a fulfilling work environment in a humane manner.

  • 5.Gender Equality
  • 8.Decent Work and Economic Growth

creation of an employee friendly working environment

We have introduced a system that enables flexible work styles so that employees can continue to work with peace of mind even after various life events.

  • Flexible work styles including flexible work hours, shortened work hours, and remote work
  • Encouragement of male employees to participate in childcare

Job Satisfaction for Diverse Workforce

We have introduced environmental improvements and related systems so that our diverse workforce can work with enthusiasm and fulfillment for a long time.

  • Regular employment, career employment, and employment of people with disabilities
  • Diverse working systems for employees after the age of 60
  • Establishment of a system and environment that enables women to self-actualize while charting various career paths

Health and Safety Initiatives

We are working to create a safe and healthy working environment for our employees.

  • 3.Good Health and Well-Being
  • 8.Decent Work and Economic Growth

Employee Health Promotion

We support employees' voluntary efforts to maintain and promote their health so that they can continue to work in good health.

Promoting Employee Health

Health and Safety Activities

We maintain a safe and secure work environment for all employees.

  • Health and safety activities by all employees
  • Health and safety and driving safety education for employees

In-House Counseling System

We have an in-house consultation system in place to prevent mental and physical problems among employees.

  • Support system by industrial physicians and public health nurses
  • Permanent in-house counseling room
  • A dedicated telephone and e-mail address for the in-house counseling office

Social Activities

Social Contribution Initiatives

As part of our efforts to eliminate poverty among the world's children, we are engaged in social contribution activities that can be started with something familiar.

  • 1.No Poverty
  • 2.Zero Hunger
  • 3.Good Health and Well-Being
  • 4.Quality Education
  • 10.Reduced Inequalities
  • 12.Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 15.Life On Land
  • 17.Partnerships for the Goals

Meal support for children in developing countries

To support school lunches in areas with severe poverty, we conduct social contribution activities in which employees can participate every day.

  • TABLE FOR TWO Activity

Support for Children in Developing Countries

We collect plastic bottle caps to deliver vaccines to children in developing countries.

  • Vaccine Cap Movement

Support for Child Welfare Facilities

For the sake of future children, we donate automobiles to facilities in need of vehicles in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan.

Promoting and Establishing Employment for People with Disabilities

We actively employ people with disabilities to create an environment in which everyone can play an active role.

  • 4.Quality Education
  • 8.Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 10.Reduced Inequalities

Promoting Employment for People with Disabilities

We collaborate with various external organizations to help people with disabilities balance work and life.

  • Acceptance of practical training from special support schools and pre-employment visits
  • Support for employment in cooperation with employment support organizations and special support schools

Employment and Retention of People with Disabilities

To enable people with disabilities to work for a long time, we have established an environment and support system that provides a way of working that is suited to their characteristics.

  • Job coaches provide support for the workplace environment and the characteristics of disabilities.
  • Daily support by dedicated in-house staff

Environmental Conservation Activities

Environmental Management Initiatives

From the viewpoint of preserving a rich and beautiful earth for future generations, we aim to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050 through initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions.

  • 7.Affordable and Clean Energy
  • 11.Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 12.Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 13.Climate Action
  • 14.Life Below Water
  • 15.Life On Land

Establishment of environmental management milestones

As a benchmark towards achieving carbon neutrality, we have set a target to reduce CO2 emissions by 46% by 2030 compared to the levels of 2017.

Renewable Energy

We are promoting the use of renewable energy to reduce CO2 emissions.

  • Solar power generation installed at our business sites
View the status of our efforts

Carbon-Neutral Energy

We promote the use of carbon-neutral energy sources that lead to reductions in CO2 emissions.

  • Introduction of carbon neutral LNG

<100% of gas used at our business sites is converted to carbon neutral LNG.>

About Carbon-Neutral LNG

Energy Conservation

In order to reduce total energy consumption, we are renovating energy-saving equipment and conducting educational activities on energy conservation that employees can take part in.

  • Switching to LEDs throughout the facility
  • Renewal of business PCs to NotePCs with low power consumption
  • Installation of thermal barrier film on office windows
  • Raising awareness of energy-saving activities that can be carried out at work and at home

Waste Reduction

From the perspective of reducing the environmental impact of our corporate activities, we are committed to reducing waste.

  • 2.Zero Hunger
  • 12.Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 14.Life Below Water
  • 15.Life On Land

Food Loss Reduction

To reduce food loss in the company cafeteria, we check the number of employees coming to work in advance and reflect this in the number of meals prepared, thereby reducing the number of leftover meals.